Wednesday, 25 April 2012

PSSR (Personal Safety & Social Responsibility) for online group (ivsk2.0 closed group)

1.0 Abstract

There are different criteria for being emotionally compromised for a non religious and a religious. Religious tend to get emotionally compromised by attack on his religion/beliefs/faith and non religious tend to get emotionally compromised by personal attacks.

2.0 Introduction

PSSR for ivsk2.0 is a set of instruction which may help members avoid get into trouble while debate/discussion as it is supposed to be an educational/academic group where members are free to discuss debate and present their view on different topics, matters and aspect of life (majorly those which are mentioned in the group agenda 1.0). All members are required to undertake PSSR for healthy and knowledgeable debate/discussion/sharing views etc. and UNCIVILIZED members are not welcomed. The Codes of Practice (see section 3.0) are the collective work by Asad Ali and Sheba Tillman, however these are also influenced by the group members, Marc Rose, Bill Allen, Bruce Clark and Andy White.

[however these are not reviewed for mistakes and errors, any mistakes, error, flaws found is welcomed to be mentioned and will be updated]

2.1 Significance

There are several members who may not be liked by the existing or new members and were responsible for disrupting communication, insulting, spamming or e-identity fraud (OR internet identity fraud) to achieve personal gain or causing damage to others. However if they are willing to comply with PSSR for ivsk2.0 they well be allowed to enter the group for debate/discussion/sharing views purpose and if found not complying or breaching any of the group regulation or practicing the prior stated things (including disrupting communications) they will be removed. PSSR for ivsk2.0 also requires the existing members to be ethical with the new member irrelevant of their behavior OUTSIDE of the group.

3.0 Codes of practice
  1.   Debate or discussion or sharing point of view (opinion) on different matter/topic are to be done with proper reference if not supposed to be or presented as a hypothetical.
  2. Intelligent free speech can/should be practiced (borrowed from Marc Rose).
  3. Personal attacks or ad hominem (not insult) only allowed for “pointing out the mistake of the author of the OP or a post” purpose only, similarly ad hominem on religion (not insulating religion) is also allowed for “pointing out mistake of the author of the OP or a post” purpose only. Any unauthorized (which is not allowed by PSSR) use of ad-hominem or any kind of insult will be deleted and the poster being warned.

  4. Ivsk2.0 is a closed group, and all its contents are the collective property of the members as a group. All members are required to not to take any OP or the comments out of the group without the authorization of the owner of the OP or the comment and may be removed for such offense under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. In case a member is removed from the group they will be given a copy of all their OPs and comments on demand in all circumstances possible. To ensure this the members are required not to block any of the admin, however for personal reason any member can block other member, but if any blocked member wanted to debate (only) the blocker member, the blocker member will be asked only to unblock the blocked one and debate, however it is the choice of the blocker to whether or not unblock.
  5. Any member inactive or non contributing members who were found being non contributing or inactive for more that 15 days may be removed for being inactive or non contributing the group 48 hours after being informed, these members will be requested to rejoin when they think they would/could become active or contribute.
  6. A report is filed and published on the group wall by any admin when a member is removed. The report may contain all possible aspect of their behavior, conduct and response to different condition/circumstances while they were partaking in discussion, debate or sharing their views. If the member was inactive the report will say “inactive status”. The reports which are filed will decide whether or not the member is welcomed after they are removed i.e.
    • if a member has blocked admin, they will not be allowed back unless they unblock the admin.
    • if a member has taken the group content (which is the property of the group members), they will not be allowed back unless the contents are taken down or removed or granted permission by the authors/posters.
  7. Admins of the group (their names appear on Creative Common License Page) reserves the right to change or alter the “Codes of Practice” whether on public demand or by considering evolution of the group.
  8. A link of the PSSR (Personal Safety & Social Responsibility) for online group (ivsk2.0 closed group) will be shared with any new requests received and on their acknowledgement (see section 4.0) they will be allowed access to the group contents.
  9. Any behavior leading to the adverse effect due to the highly observable phenomenon mentioned (see abstract) might require the person responsible to apologize and the post where it occurred would be deleted after a copy of the post to be deleted will be emailed to the author/poster for their personal use.   
  10. Disciplinary procedures (under develop) will decide how the members founds not complying with the pssr will be treated or fixed.
4.0 Acknowledgement

As an author/poster/member/admin on the facebook group ivsk2.0 you mean no harm by any standard to other members, you are entitled to practice freely any of your rights without breaching any Codes of practice (see section 3.0) and you authorize admins to discipline you anytime when proved guilty of breaching the codes and not complying the responsibilities, unless not apologizes (as mentioned in section IX of 3.0 i.e. if applicable you have to apologies).

4.1 Procedure (for admins)

Any member found not not complying as acknowledged in the 'section 4.0' of the pssr may be disciplined, which possibly leading to the removal from the group.

Creative Commons License
engineereverything by Asad Ali is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

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